Leica confocal with fast laser scanning, Las X navigator, and 5 utra-sensitive HyD detectors.
Mutiplex imaging with tunable White Light Laser (WLL) and tunable detectors. Choose any number of laser lines, any wavelengths to 790nm. We typically use up to 6 fluorescence channels, potential for 8 or more.
Lightning near super resolution deconvolution.
TauSense easy to use fluorescence lifetime imaging : reduce background and detect different fluors based on their fluorescence lifetime.
Temperature and CO2 control for live imaging.
Objective lenses: 10X, 20X, 25X immersion 0.95NA, 40X Oil 1.4NA, 63x Oil 1.4NA.
Located in room 828.
The NIH would like us to acknowledge grant S10 OD032447 in all preprints and publications that utilize this instrument (PI: Hans-Willem Snoeck). Suggested phrasing:
Research reported in this publication was supported in part by the Office of the Director, National Institutes of Health under award S10 OD032447
Layout of the Stellaris 8 system, room 828.