Leica wide field (non-confocal) microscopes located in rooms 828 (DMi 1) 832 (DMi 2).
Excellent for imaging whole slides or large tissue sections containing multiple fluorescence stains.
Excellent for reviewing the results of your staining experiments prior to performing detailed confocal scanning.
Four fluorescence channels DAPI, Alexa 488, Alexa 568, Alexa 647, or equivalent fluors, along with bright field.
Rapid stage scanning with Leica Navigator allows fast, mutiplex, high resolution tile scans of tissue on your slides.
DMi station 1 has deconvolution options, post acquisition.
Objective lenses:
DMi 1: 2.5X, 5X, 10X, 20X, 40X dry 0.8NA, 100x Oil 1.4NA
DMi 1 has low magnification options.
DMi 2: 10X, 20X, 20X long distance, 40X, 40X long distance, 100X oil 1.4 NA
DMi 2 has long distance (image thru culture dish) options.
Layout of the Light Sheet system, room 828.