iLab Link for Reservations

MMC Instruments

  • DMi 1, Leica DMi8 inverted fluorescence tissue scanning, deconvolution microscope

  • DMi 2, Leica DMi8 inverted fluorescence tissue scanning microscope

  • Live Imaging System Zeiss Axio Observer.Z1 with Apotome 2

  • Light Sheet and Confocal Microscope

  • Zeiss LSM 710 Confocal. 6 laser lines, 3 detectors

  • Leica Stellaris 8 Confocal. White Light Laser (multiplex imaging), Lightning Deconvolution, Lifetime imaging, Live imaging

Overview of Services

The Medicine Microscopy Core (MMC) provides a user-friendly, cutting-edge fluorescence microscopy imaging environment for the Columbia Medical Center in Upper Manhattan. We also provide image analysis tools, such as Leica Aivia 3D machine learning software and an Acquifer HIVE computer server and workstation. We are happy to collaborate with your imaging and image analysis projects and can provide software, custom scripting, and custom acquistion pipelines.

Click on the tabs (or icon lines) above to explore the microscopes.

Primary imaging room. Black Building, room 828.

Medicine Microscopy Core (MMC)
iLab Link for Reservations

Contact (replace © and •): jwm2175©cumc•columbia•edu



The LIVE IMAGING SYSTEM is now available. We have placed a Zeiss Axio Observer.Z1 live imaging microscope on the iLab calendar for reservations. Please see the specs under the "Live-imaging" link. It has temperature and CO2, 5 channel wide-field imaging as well as Apotome 2 Z-sectioning and available high speed camera for applications like characterization of ciliary beating.


LASER SAFETY. We have added the CU laser safety manual under 'Software-resources'. Please review for safe use of confocal lasers. Location: .


STELLARIS CONFOCAL. All detectors are repaired and working well. You should see less reflected light in your samples as Robert Brideau has calibrated the AOBS.

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